You've probably heard the saying "think outside the box" a lot, which means being creative and thinking in new ways. But let's look at it differently. Imagine the "box" is like a fence around your thoughts, keeping them in a certain area.
In the world of coming up with new ideas, there's a saying that's not so great: "We have always done it this way." This phrase means that people sometimes don't like new ideas or different ways of doing things. Why? Well, it's because most of us are taught what to think but not how to think in new and creative ways. It's time to learn how to think in bigger and better ways, breaking free from the fences we put around our thoughts.
Think about the invention of the wheel. Before it existed, people had to carry heavy stuff without wheels. But someone came along and said, "Hey, I can do this better!" They didn't stick to the old way of doing things. They broke through those mental fences.
But here's the thing: many people who want to invent new stuff sometimes fail. Why? Because they're scared to break out of their mental fences. They're so used to thinking like everyone else that they don't explore the amazing ideas in their minds. They can't picture something that hasn't been done before. And when someone else creates something new, they wonder why they didn't think of it.
The simple answer is that they didn't break free from their mental fences. They stayed inside the box, and it's time to step out and let your imagination run wild.
How to Make it Happen
The key to thinking beyond the usual limits is to break down the walls we've built around our thoughts.
We've got to train ourselves to see things from different angles. Imagine this: If a hundred people overlook a problem, you should be the one to tackle it. Change your perspective. Don't just sit there, worrying about the issue along with everyone else. Stand up, and actively seek a solution. When you're on the lookout for answers, be as curious as a child. Kids aren't biased; they'll take a Superman toy, make it fly, then grab a car and say, "Look, it's flying too!" You might think the child is silly, but in a way, they're right. Both toys were flying; you just need that hand to hold them up in the air. That's what you need to do – build that hand for your imagination.
It's common for people to doubt themselves before they even start. They fill their minds with a hundred traditional thoughts like, "If the solution to this problem were easy, someone would have found it already," or "If a solution already exists, there must be a problem with it." To think beyond the box, you've got to break free from this traditional way of thinking. People usually stick to it because it keeps them safe and comfortable. Finding solutions means stepping out of your comfort zone, and our minds usually prefer the safety of familiar territory. Your mind will try to pull you back to the comfort zone and stick to the well-known path.
Did you know that 80% of people choose unhappiness over uncertainty? Most folks avoid paths where they lack information, even if they know those other paths won't lead to happiness.
#1 Shift Your Perspective
Have you ever noticed how the same song can feel different on different days? Some days, the lyrics resonate with you, while on others, it's the melody that soothes your soul. This variability is a testament to the power of perspective, a power we all possess but often struggle to control.
As Henry Ford famously said, "The person who says he can and the person who says he can't are both right." So, how can you harness the power to control your perspective?
Change Your Routine :Perspective isn't something we're born with; it develops over time. To change your perspective, you must first change your daily routine. Make small adjustments – if you usually commute by car, take a taxi or the metro for a few days. Try a different route, and you'll start to see familiar things from new angles and perspectives. These changes may seem minor, but they'll cultivate an awareness that the world is vast and full of diverse experiences.Have you ever thought about why you predict what will happen next in a movie or a story? It's because your perception fills in the gaps in the untold narrative. By looking at things from different angles, you develop the power to see the same thing with fresh eyes.
Visualize: Visualization is the turbocharger of learning. We tend to remember and understand things better when we can visualize them. Just think about how you can recall scenes from a movie but struggle to remember last weekend's lesson. Visualizing problems in multiple ways can open your mind to new solutions and possibilities. Try to visualize yourself within a problem from different perspectives – up close and from a distance. This practice will expand your mind and help you discover novel approaches to old challenges.
#2 Break Free from Traditional Thinking
Traditional thinking is a roadblock to progress. Many individuals aspire to greatness but find their traditional thought patterns constraining them.
From an early age, we're taught what to think rather than how to think. In school, if a student solves a problem using a method other than the one the teacher taught, their solution is often deemed wrong. This approach stifles creativity and discourages students from exploring alternative paths to solutions.
There are countless ways to tackle the same task, and not adhering to the traditional path doesn't diminish the value of your approach. It's like choosing how to deal with rain when you need to get to your college. Instead of automatically reaching for an umbrella, you could call a cab or don a raincoat – multiple solutions to the same problem.
Think about it – are you biased toward certain approaches or methods? Do you always use the same approach to solve problems? If your answer is yes, you might be thinking too traditionally.